Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hello Aunt Flo

I finally got a regular period! Thanks be to God. I nearly thought it would never happen. I guess this means that my body has healed or is at least nearly there.

We discussed adoption again... Hubby said he still wants to try one more time. I said my heart can't take another failure. I know other women have failed and failed and failed again only to finally have their heart's desire. Maybe I am a wimp, but this being our 3rd miscarriage since we got married, I just don't think I can muster up enough moxie to try again and fail and again and fail.

Yes, next time I might not fail and actually have a baby, but I just can't live with the fear every day just waiting for the baby to miscarry again. I would have that fear till the baby is born then I would be worried about SIDS for 3 years. At least I know that adoption is not out of the realm of possibility.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2 misses, can i just walk now?

Well I haven't been here because I had 2 miscarriages in July, not one... I couldn't really bring myself to talk here much about anything. I have decided to wait and see what happens now. I still haven't had a "regular" stint with Aunt Flo. I'm tired and I just want to stop. Depressed, stressed out, my hair breaking off... yeah. I'm done for a while.

I will still post here at least once or twice a month. I will let you know if my body has healed and such.