Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FlyLady principal: a shiny sink in every room

So I have been thinking about what my "shiny sink" is in every room of my home. It's more like every "zone" of my home, since we have it set up in a way that things are like rooms but not.

In my dining area, the shiny sink is my table.

Obvious shiny sink in kitchen: the actual sink.

Shiny sink in bathroom: the tub.

Shiny sink in living area: The magazine rack.

Shiny sink in computer area: the desks...we will call it the twin tub shiny sink, since the two desks are right next to each other.

Shiny sink in bedroom: nightstands.

Shiny sink in kid room: toy corner.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

sickness equals low FLYing

My son has been gone for the better part of two weeks with a short stint of being home in between. When he returns this time, he will be with us for about 2 weeks before I will have to let him go again to be with his relatives so we can go to events that do not involve children *sigh*. In the process, I have been rendered near useless by days of migraines and knee issues. Yay me :( I did wake up yesterday with energy and was able to get dressed, shine the sink, clean up a bit before the migraine from Hades set in again and took away my wings. Today I am just trying my best not to get it again, tho I feel it at the edges of my head just waiting to pounce. It's a good thing that my son ISNT here because then he would have to deal with me laying on the couch wrapped up like a mummy in my blanket for hours and hours while he has to be mostly quiet.