Monday, July 02, 2007

Mint Green Noah

My cousin is the best! Not only will I have some Pooh mint green, but I am getting all her mint green Noah's Ark stuff! YAY for mint! I know a lot of people probably have an aversion to the gender neutral tone, but it has special meaning for me.

First of all, my grandmother's favorite color was green. She is not here to see her new great grandchild. I would hope this one to be a girl, also in her honor *but not with her attitude LOL*. She was a firecracker, that's for sure. I can imagine her being a child much like the one I already have. I need a calmer spirit to come from the new child. Of course, I will be happy with what God grants. These are just my thoughts and wishes.

Second, my favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip. This might not seem too significant, but it is to me for various reason. Most of them have to do with the grandmother that I am so deeply missing right now.

No matter what, I will be happy with a healthy baby and a tubal ligation. That's all that really matters in the end, right?

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