I wish I could do a load a day! Unfortunately, I have to plan my laundry around a number of factors, and therefore cannot.
First, there is no washer/dryer allowed in my apartment. Second, the one next door costs 3$ to wash/dry one load of clothes. Get my drift? Then when I do get a roll of quarters, I try to get 4 loads done at once (I usually have other quarters stashed somewhere to make the roll + quarters = 4 loads = 12$). Lastly, there are 2 washers and 2 dryers next door. If someone else is in there already, there goes my day for laundry!
Also, mind you that by the time I get to the point I can do 4 loads I usually have 5 or 6 waiting to be done. Most of those are children and husband clothes, as they change more frequently than I do. The Man has to dress for work, after work, bed, and work out. The Kid dresses for bed, activities, after activities, and workout (jiu jitsu). I dress for bed and the day and that pretty much sums it up. The Man works like 5 days a week and can workout or do his class any number of days out of a 7 day week. The Kid goes to class two or three times a week.
So I am learning to adapt flylady to work with my conflicts and so far, so good.
I am doing day 11 babysteps today, so off I go to write my inspirational sheets ;)
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