Friday, June 29, 2007
The Pregnancy Organizer
I got my pregnancy organizer
in the mail today. I already started to fill it out. I missed 4 weeks of journaling already, so I want to make sure and get it all filled in up to this point. It's really neat to be able to compare notes between this pregnancy and my previous one. I am trying to use all the same books and methods so that I have accurate and identical records for the kids when they get older. I know I appreciated that in a house with two other siblings. I still go look at my baby book from time to time. My son has a lot to go on. My daughter *crosses fingers* will, too.
Morning sickness and breast cancer
I have not felt nausea yet with this pregnancy. I have been extra hungry and had a bit of indigestion. I was just reading about how women with morning sickness might actually be at a lower risk for breast cancer:
My buddy Jenn thought that I might be interested in the info.
My buddy Jenn thought that I might be interested in the info.
I started her registry
Yes her, it's wishful thinking. I figure, if I put it out into the Universe enough, that I will end up getting what I want. Anyway, I have started my registry at our favorite place to shop: Walmart. I am in love with mint green this time around. Last time, we had a Noah's Ark theme. This time I want a Pooh Bear type theme. I saw the Days of Hunny collection and just decided that's what I want. I liked the Pooh themes when my son was born, but I had already decided on the ark. This time, I plan to get everything I want. This is the last hurrah for babies in our home.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
No belly pics for a while
I already had a bit of a belly before I got pregnant. You won't be able to see significant changes until at least 3 months preggo especially if I carry small like I did with my son. No one could tell I was pregnant until I was close to six months! So if I was to show you a picture now you would be like *wow you are already showing!* and I would cyber slap you... LOL Sorry, horrormones talking, not me.
Symptoms today 4 weeks 3 days
- tender boobage
- swollen boobage
- moderate cramping/stretching
- headache
- dizziness
- irritability
- inability to concentrate
- sensitivity to some smells
Pain meds while pregnant
It has been little over four years since I was last pregnant. I have to relearn a lot of the dos and donts of pregnancy. Who remembers that stuff? Anyway, I remember that I am not supposed to take any ibuprofen, my favorite pain reliever. I will have to take acetaminophen if memory serves me right. I have it, I just don't like it. Maybe I will just remind myself which teas are okay to drink during pregnancy and have a cup.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Did I lose his twin?
I was reading something interesting about Vanishing Twin Syndrome. I bled so much with my son that I thought I was having a miscarriage. The people at the ER also thought that was the issue. When they finally looked at me they said that my cervix was closed and it had to be implantation bleeding. I got an ultrasound and there was one baby, a yolk sack, and a heartbeat.
After reading about the Vanishing Twin, I have to wonder. If they had done an ultrasound before I bled like crazy, would there have been two babies? I bled for at least a month. It got so bad that I really thought I might have lost my son. I had the cramping and everything. That's why I wonder... do I have predisposition for twins? If so, I really pray there is only one little girl in my womb right now.
After reading about the Vanishing Twin, I have to wonder. If they had done an ultrasound before I bled like crazy, would there have been two babies? I bled for at least a month. It got so bad that I really thought I might have lost my son. I had the cramping and everything. That's why I wonder... do I have predisposition for twins? If so, I really pray there is only one little girl in my womb right now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Caffeine and Pregnancy
Last time I was pregnant, Vanilla Coke was just coming out. When I heard it was resurfacing I said *watch, I will be preggo within the month* Lo, and behold, I called it right.
The argument is that pregnant women shouldn't ingest caffeine. I have just found a caffeine guideline for pregnant women. I can ingest 300 mg of caffeine a day without making the baby go into caffeinated convulsions. Well, I only drink one soda can a day when I have it, and that's before I was pregnant. Now I am limiting to one or two a week. According to the site, it's only 40 mg per can of soda. A full bottle of Vanilla Coke should yield about two to two and a half can sized servings, which brings me up to between 80 and 100 mg. One of those every two weeks wouldn't harm the child. Now I just have to show that to my husband so I can get my 'nilla on.
The argument is that pregnant women shouldn't ingest caffeine. I have just found a caffeine guideline for pregnant women. I can ingest 300 mg of caffeine a day without making the baby go into caffeinated convulsions. Well, I only drink one soda can a day when I have it, and that's before I was pregnant. Now I am limiting to one or two a week. According to the site, it's only 40 mg per can of soda. A full bottle of Vanilla Coke should yield about two to two and a half can sized servings, which brings me up to between 80 and 100 mg. One of those every two weeks wouldn't harm the child. Now I just have to show that to my husband so I can get my 'nilla on.
beginning the next journey
Hello all. I have not used this blog since well before the first post was wrought. I decided to dust this off and have a go at chronicling my pregnancy. Here are the first particulars:
- I knew the moment I got pregnant on June 11th.
- Friday the 15th I had ridiculously sore boobage.
- Saturday they were tender, but not as bad as Friday.
- I kept feeling stretching/burning all week.
- My knee started to hurt. It hasn't hurt since I was pregnant with my son.
- I tested on the 22nd and got a faint positive.
- Everyone found out, and I can't keep my own secrets LOL
- Made the doctor's appointment for July 31st the day I tested positive.
- Spotted yesterday *25th* and a bit today.
- Took another test and got a nice dark positive today.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
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